
The Thor side of Marvel comics is very vast, with many authors and many more artists contributing to it through the over sixty years of its existence. A collective project might be the most apt way to portray an epic story that has Norse mythology as its primary inspiration, with all its contradictions and uncertainties, shifting lore and roles. While Jack Kirby and Stan Lee created the setting and the most important characters, as well as many great stories, many others expanded on their work.

Among my personal favourite runs we can find Walter Simonson's (1983-1987), Tom DeFalco's (1987-1994, Amora's character was explored wonderfully in the early years), J. Michael Straczynski, Kieron Gillen, and Matt Fraction's (2007-2012, fundamental for the current era), Kieron Gillen's Journey Into Mystery (2011-2013), Al Ewing's Loki: Agent of Asgard, and the current Immortal Thor run.