
I have a friend who believes in me. I have a brother whom I love. I am my own, and I will not sit long in any box built for me. These things are right. These things we'll keep. As for the rest... Let's tell a different story. Let's be something new.

Extra page just for Loki because they mean so much to me. I love their story, their sense of humour, the way they deal with their struggles, their recurrent motifs. They make me very happy!

Canonical references to Loki's gender:
Odin: My children.
My son, my daughter, and my child who is both.

— Al Ewing, Original Sin #5.5

Odin: Loki.
My child who is both son and daughter.
Did I not say? I know everything you are.
And I love you still.

—Al Ewing, Loki: Agent of Asgard #11

Loki, shifting into a female presentation: I'm me. First, last and always.
Verity: I've, uh, never seen you... do that. I knew you could do that... but...
Loki: Well, I'm never going to be just one thing, am I? I'm not "goddess of some stories".

—Al Ewing, Loki: Agent of Asgard #14

Loki, after summoning an outfit for Doreen: Right? That's why you get a genderfluid demi-god to be your fashion designer. I know what works.

—Ryan North, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #27

Tony Stark: From up there, it looked like some real big-boy heroism.
Sorry, big-person heroism.
Loki: They're all acceptable, thanks for asking.

—Daniel Kibblesmith, Loki (2019) #4

“Do you have a preference? Between men and women?”
“I feel equally comfortable as either.”
“No, I don’t mean...not all of us can change our gender at will.”
“I don’t change my gender. I exist as both.”
“You’re not...That doesn’t make sense.”
“It does to me.”

—Mackenzi Lee, Loki: Where Mischief Lies

Fun facts
  • Loki's birthday is December 17th
  • Loki likes the musical Wicked; they also have Daft Punk as their ringtone
  • Their favourite movie is The Wizard of Speed and Time
  • Loki is associated with various animals:
    • A magpie is the most common symbol for Ikol-Loki, as it was the form they took before taking over Kid Loki's body. Other birds associations are found in kennings: meinkráka (Lokasenna 43, translated as 'evil crow, ill-boding crow, croaker of ill'); gammleið (Þórsdrápa, translated as 'vulture's path'); Loki is also sometimes referred to as Loptr, meaning 'air'
    • Wolves and snakes are both associated with Loki due to their offspring; some kennings call back to this
    • While foxes are not featured prominently in Norse texts, recent stories associate Loki with foxes due to their trickster nature; Ikol-Loki said they feel like the form of a fox represents them
    • Flies, fleas, horses, and salmons are traditionally associated with Loki due to the disguises he took on in myths, but Ikol-Loki has rejected flies as a form that reflects them

Headcanons (wip)
  • I think they'd like new wave music

favourite panels


And yet I am neither Jotun nor God. Not truly. So what exactly does that make me? For many years I pondered that question before finally realizing the answer: I am... Loki. And a Loki isn't a slave to the whims of his ancestors. A Loki writes his own story.
There's still that gravity. What people expect. But...birds feel gravity, too. And acrobats, and dancers. And they dive and swoop and tumble anyway. Loop the loop, walk the tricks. Nah. No more evil. Mischief, now. That's still got legs.


Reading order

Loki may not appear in each issue; when full titles are included, it's because reading only a few issues would make the text difficult to understand. The range only includes important issues. Cameos are in italics

Siege: Loki
(sets up the Kid Loki storyline)

Thor (2007): #616-621
(Kid Loki's first appearances)

Journey into Mystery: #622-636
Exiled-> JiM #637 -> New Mutants (2009) #42 -> JiM #638 -> NM #43
Journey into Mystery: #639-645

Self insert box!
Feilan blesi is a Midgardian, friend of Doreen Green and Nancy Whitehead, who first met Loki during the events of Agent of Asgard; it's around this time that Feilan adopted his current name. After being separateed following the reset of the universe, they were reunited a little before the God of Magic arc. With the War of the Realms coming, Feilan, following in Strange's footsteps, sought out a way of obtaining Asgardian magic from Yggdrasil.


Beautiful James - Placebo
Take me by the hand as we cross through battlefields
Nobody understands 'cause there's nobody at the wheel

It Will Come Back - Hozier
It can't be unlearned
I've known the warmth of your doorways
Through the cold, I'll find my way back to you