two-headed boy
Welcome to my web home. It's divided in rooms.
Feel free to explore and enjoy your stay.
Go through the corridor on the left to access the main areas, or use the sitemap for an easier navigation.
(work in progress)
to-do list
- General
- ✓ design and add favicon
- Corridor
- ✓ add button for homepage (hall)
- Hall
- ✓ make sitemap
- Attic
- ✓ cobweb background
- ✓ container (white on black, white border)
- ✓ smaller boxes for likes etc
- ✓ "back" button (no corridor)
- Stables
- - make horse portraits
- Living room
- ✓ links page
- - film/book/series/album tracker
- Bedroom
- - fill up boxes