Two-headed boy

Welcome to my web home. It's divided in rooms.
Feel free to explore and enjoy your stay.

Go through the corridor on the left to access the main areas, or use the sitemap for an easier navigation.
Mobile navigation shouldn't be difficult, but the desktop layout is nicer to look at.

Notes on the usage of the codes and images on my website

You may take inspiration from the code you see on any page, use it as a guideline, even copy and paste whole pages, as long as you make it your own.
I'm not an expert myself; I often look at other people's code to find out how something can be done and, in the case of JS, I use free-to-use code.
Please let my website stimulate your creativity instead of being a template you copy with barely a glance at its code because you can't be bothered to spend time on it.
It's not a thing one can tell from the outside, but you know what's in your heart.

Furthermore, I'd like to ask that you don't reuse the specific labeled images I edited to represent rooms.
You can contact me on my Neocities page and ask me to make personalized ones for you if you wish.


Other rooms:

music room writing room


Feel free to link to me, and leave a comment on my profile if you want me to add you as well

Visit my friend Juette:

mini log


After becoming aware of certain discussions that have taken place on the Small Web, I feel I should clarify that this website is in full support of trans people, as I believe in treating others with kindness and respect. I wouldn't be making this statement if I hadn't noticed a recurring pattern of websites with similar aesthetic sensibilities as mine participating in cruel and childish bullying against trans people. You might call it "virtue signaling"; I don't consider myself particularly virtuous for making my values and opinions clear. This is not social media, I don't have a "do not interact" list or anything of the sort. This is a bare minimum statement only directed at anyone who may have been wondering. If you don't care, you shouldn't care that I care either.

update log

  • 18.03.25: added writing page
  • 16.03.25: finished responsive Loki shrine
  • 13.03.25: finished Loki shrine
  • 07.03.25: finished Music room
  • 06.03.25: made 'Succession' shrine
  • 04.03.25: made 'Thor' shrine responsive
  • 03.03.25: created 'Thor' shrine; added shrine icons to Home
  • 01.03.25: created a favourite characters box in Bedroom
  • 28.02.25: added an introduction and a monthly playlist box in Bedroom
  • 26.01.25: added "graphics" page
  • 24.01.25: added horse sticker book in Stables; made sidebar mobile responsive (desktop is still preferred)
  • 22.01.25: added Neighbors page, accessible through the living room
  • 19.01.25: added "reading" and "watching" sections in the bedroom (toggles); added graphics to various pages
  • 18.01.25: made the attic presentable